
Privacy and Policy

Privacy Statment


Our privacy policy ensures your information is protected and used responsibly. We collect data like personal details, usage information and device data to provide and improve our service. Your information is not sold but may be shared with service providers or as required by law.


The scope of our privacy policy covers how we collect, use and protect your personal information when you use our platform. It applies to all our users and interaction with our services, including the collection of data, sharing practices with third parties as necessary, security measures implemented and your rights.

Our commitment to privacy

Our committed privacy is unwavering. We prioritize the protection and responsible use of your personal data. We adhere to strict security measures to safeguard your data and ensure transparency in how we collect, process and share information.


Our commitment to privacy is at core of everything we do. We prioritize the security and responsible handling of your personal information, ensuring transparency and adhering to protect your data. Your trust is our highest priority and we remain dedicated to maintaining a secure and trustworthy platform